Charlotte Yudis (1939-2007)
This week is becoming sadder by the minute, it seems, when it comes to people in the arts that I know dying.
I was just reading through Artblog and came across a notice of the death of Charlotte Yudis, printmaker and teacher. Charlotte taught at Fleisher Art Memorial for many years. I studied etching with Charlotte Yudis for three terms. She was amazingly knowledgeable about printmaking and went to great lengths to make first timers as well as more experienced people comfortable with taking risks with printmaking. I'll always remember her easy-going, bright nature and encouraging teaching style.
Here is a link to the announcement of her death on the Fleisher website
There is also a video of her done by Vincent Romaniello on his site (scroll down to 'Blogroll' and click on the links under her name to access the videos)