It had to happen...
I knew it wasn't going to be long before I did something about the vlogging idea. I was supposed to go to the studio today, but declined because I seem to have a slight cold and wasn't up for dealing with a hot studio and not feeling well. However, I just had to do something, so I followed up on doing a video.
I had a dream during a nap I took this morning, of which I remember little of except the ending. At that point, I was with *E* and we kissed. It was a good, long, sensual kiss, the memory of which left me feeling good despite the mild cold. Now, mind you, we haven't even met yet, but we have established a good connection over the past few months and there's some good feelings floating across the miles. I wanted to make something that I could share that captured how I felt upon waking up.
Since I've been experimenting with iMovie lately, I decided to cobble something together with some of the photos I have of *E*. I found four that I liked, edited and uploaded the fragments into iMovie, where I added some layers of sounds and vocals. The result is really basic, as editing and so forth goes, but I like how it turned out for a first attempt.
You can see the results of my first video here: A Dream...
That's the first of what I hope to be more videos I'll make. I have no clue as to where this might lead, but I'm just diving in and seeing what I come up with, hence the name of my vlog: "A Path Unknown".