New horizons
A huge change is coming. I've been spending the past few weeks organizing, packing and purging in anticipation of moving to a new studio space next week. Honestly, I can't wait. I've spent the past few years working out of the apartment and the time has finally come to expand beyond this space. While necessity made me make the most of my circumstances, there was only so long that I could flourish here. I began the studio search and didn't think that I'd be able to find anything that was within my budget and large enough. I lucked out on both fronts and found a new studio in one of the best arts buildings in the city-the Crane Building in Kensington.
I looked at several spaces prior to visiting the Crane to see a space there that someone was moving out of. The space costs the same as my current studio and is larger than other spaces I looked at, so the choice was pretty clear. Not only that, but I'll be right next to Rebecca Rutstein's studio and Arden is right on the second floor. There are a number of other artists that I know who are in the building, as well, including two former art professors of mine. I had a loft storage area and painting rack built in the studio already. I'll go in Tuesday to have my orientation, get keys and the lay of the land. I know the building, but not as a tenant, so there's a few new things to learn.
I'm moving on Friday and having a moving company deal with everything. I've been trying to downsize some of my belongings and purge artwork that didn't need to be around any more. It's been about 10 yeas since I did the most recent purge and with the passage of time, I've been able to see some of the work in a different light. It was much easier to let go of older works this time than before. It's been a very cathartic and needed experience. I still have a ton of work to move and that's a bit annoying, but at least I have space to put it all without having to rent an outside storage unit.