POST 2010-day 1
Today was the first day of open studios this year and it went really well. I had about 31 visitors for the 6 hours and a lot of them were new to my studio. There was a lot of good feedback about the new work (everything I have out was completed in the last 8 months, with the exception of a couple of small paintings). The weather was great outside...sunny, warm but with a little breeze, the perfect fall day that anyone taking part in POST will like. The only problem with this time of year is that there are always a ton of other events taking place around the same time, so you can never count on always having a constant number of studio visitors each year.
I arrived at about 11:20am, enough time to get my posters, balloons and other promotional items up on the front door downstairs. No matter how much I"ve gotten done in the space, I never feel comfortable until I have my promotional stuff up and visible for passers-by.
Tomorrow will be great because I won't have to worry about any last-minute things that I might have to take care of. I can sleep in and even take my time getting there.