post POST 2010
The open studio event this weekend was a success. Over the two days I had 69 visitors, most of them new to my studio. I even met a couple of people who have been following this blog, as well as a couple of others I've previously known only as Facebook connections. It's always good meeting the people behind the images and words on the screen.
I have to say, this year was probably the first where I did not have the "post-POST" blues. Most other years, after putting so much energy into working towards thsoe two days and suddenly, all of that energy that the space had from people coming in and looking around would be gone. I've usually experienced some kind of come-down, but not this year. I was glad that POST was done and was ready to get back to work. I actually got the studio pretty much back to working condition Sunday night in under an hour. I was back in there yesterday to take the paintings down from the walls and was back to work today.