'Right Now' in photos and 'This Moment' in words
left: Little Speaker Groove, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36"
right: Streaming, 2008, ink on paper, 60" x 50"
left: Gravity's Architecture, 2009, acrylic on panel, 16" x 16"
center: Cycles: Expansion and Cycles: Contraction, both 2009, acrylic on panel, 16" x 16"
right: Restless Wanderer, 2009, acrylic on panel, 16" x 16"
A Promise Kept, 2009, acrylic on panel, 16" x 20"
left: Candy Coated, 2008, acrylic on panel, 24" x 24"
right: Halcyon, 2008, acrylic on panel, 24" x 24"
Set of untitled works on paper. All 2009, water media on paper, 11" x 10"
left: Twist, 2009, acrylic on panel, 24" x 24"
right: Masks, 2009, acrylic on panel, 30" x 40"
right: 'Argo', 2009, acrylic on panel, 20" x 16"
right: Rising, 2009, acrylic on paper, 50" x 50"
The opening went very well last Friday-well attended and good feedback about the work. I even got to meet Pam Farrell in person (thanks for making the journey down!). The night was great until I realized at dinner that I'd lost my wedding ring. I and a few other people tried to find it to no avail. I gave it up for lost until I received a call from Bridgette last night.
It was trash night for the gallery's area and Bridgette's assistant, Sophie, went beyond the call of duty and decided to look once more for the ring. She found it at the bottom of a small trash bag that was from the opening reception, which means the ring slipped off of my finger while I was drying my hands. So, many, many thinks to Sophie!!
This is the second time I've lost and recovered this ring. I think a resizing is in my near future.
It's been a busy, busy week as I've been working in the gallery's vault room on an on-going piece called This Moment. This is the first time I've attempted a site-specific work and so far, it's been just as challenging as any other work except for the fact that I'm going through all of the 'what the f%$k am I doing?' bits in a fairly public space. Actually I just got to that phase yesterday after three previous sessions in here. I spent today trying to find a way forward and I may have. We'll see tomorrow.
What I'm doing is drawing directly on the walls of the space with water-soluable Caran D'ache crayons. I'm operating without much of a plan, except that I have more space to work with, along with all of the particular aspects that come along with said space. The space is roughly 115 inches high, 71 inches across the back wall and 61 inches deep, so not that large. The most frequently asked question from gallery visitors about this project, is "Aren't you claustrophobic in here?" Actually, no, not at all. Of course, if I had to stay in there against my will with no sunlight, well, yeah, I might go a bit mad.
The walls are concrete with enough variances in texture to keep things interesting and a vaulted ceiling that makes for really nice acoustic affects. There's a vaulted ceiling which makes for cool acoustics. It's a great space for working with sound, which is something I might consider in the future, if I get to use this space again. It's interesting listening to music in there because of the way sound waves echo and change when I turn my head one way or the other.
As far as documentation goes, I've taken tons of photos showing the progression of This Moment and have edited a few, so I'll get something visual up soon in another post. I've also done some short videos of me working. Most of them are less than a minute and a few a little longer. Before starting, I thought the visual documentation would get in the way of the actual drawing, but documenting my work has become more of a regular part of my routine than I thought, which has eased the whole process quite a bit.
Looking forward to whatever is going happen in there tomorrow (famous last words, haha).