Studio happenings Jan.-Feb., 2014
Random shots of finished pieces and works in progress
I haven't posted much about what's been going on in the studio lately because I've only recently begun to return to a fairly regular schedule. In November, December and January I was tied up with a big transition at my job, plus holiday things and *POOF* went studio time. I'm back in there now and working out some new ideas. Taking different paths with doors opened from the big studio push of last year, when I was getting ready for my September show at Bridgette Mayer Gallery.Â
Trying to figure out how to use the lessons learned from a recent and intense period of creativity can be difficult, especially after a period of being inactive in the studio. Initially, I was annoyed with not being able to continue through the end of the year with new work. However, in retrospect, that time away was actually good. I go through similar mental hijinks whenever my studio time is interrupted: initial annoyance gives way to, "Hey, I really needed that break". I tend to have complete tunnel-vision when it comes to time with my creative pursuits. Being forced to take time away makes me irritable and cranky at first, followed by a nagging resignation and eventually reluctant acceptance.Â
The good that came out of this latest hiatus is that I got some reading done, saw a couple of shows, caught up with a few people and had some time to think about what I wanted to do next in the studio. I don't think too hard about what projects I want to pursue too much because, once I start working, those things can change at the first mark I make. However, a specific idea has been at the back of my mind for a while, so I think that I'll give it some real attention and see how things work out by the end of the year. I'm also going to continue exploring aspects of digital manipulation of my photographs paired with words and phrases that I find interesting. If you scroll down the page, you'll find some of these that I've already done.Â
Also, if you're into it, follow me on Instagram for daily photographic updates: timmcfarlaneart