studio notes 3.18.09
I don't think I've mentioned it here, but there has been a running drama with my computer over the past few weeks that has been maddening. Back in February, my hard drive crashed and had it replaced. Now, I had a new hard drive with twice the memory than the previous one for a nice price. About a week into using the new drive, it also crashes. This time, I'd saved important stuff to my external drive. This time around, the drive had to be replaced along with the power and data cables. Luckily, the labor was under warranty and all I had to pay for were the cables.
So, I'm up and running again, keeping cautiously optimistic that this time things will keep working like they should.
For all intents and purposes, I'm finished with the work for the show. I've been in a whirlwind of finishing pieces and documentation, which is happening this week (Thanks, Mark!). I've also spent a considerable amount of time coming up with titles for the new works. Sometimes, giving a title to a piece comes easily-I'll look at it and something pops up and that's it. At other times, I'm left looking at a painting with the blankest of stares. When it finally happens and seems like a good fit, the work takes on an even greater significance for me.
Although I'm done with the work for Right Now doesn't mean that I stop working, quite the contrary, actually. I'm still in a forward-moving space and have a few projects I want to concentrate on now. This is pretty unusual because with past shows once I've gotten to a point where I feel that the paintings are done, I usually need to take a break from the studio for a bit. Not so much this time around. I'm not going to question it. I'm just going to keep going and ride it out.