surface tension
Standing Stains
Pretty productive day. The panels I've been using recently are taking some getting used to, but I like them. The best thing is not having to spend much prep time on them. I buy them, seal the surface, wait for it to dry, put another layer of sealant on, wait for that to dry and I'm ready to go. I've taken to buying a couple of them each week so I have a collection ready to paint on.
I was in the Artist and Craftsman store today and discovered that they now have the deep cradled (1.5" wide) panels in addition to the standard ones. Of course I had to get two of the new panels.
I'm going to have to stretch some canvases sometime soon, I think. When I'm working on the panels, I miss the give and feel of canvas, and then I'll miss the take-a-lot-of-punishment surfaces of the panels It's good to have both to work on so both urges can be satisfied.