Website update: Daily/Observations
Above: ©Tim McFarlane: Daily/Observations: StopStop
Today, I continued with updates to my website by adding a new section called Daily/Observations. This section contains selections from an on-going photographic series I started in 2018 that documents interesting visual stimuli that I see every day on my walks around Philly. The city is a living thing, helped along in its evolution by all who live here, in big ways and small. I'm continually looking for what I consider interesting, mostly anonymous and interlaced histories that make up part of our public visual life: discarded clothes, drips of paint and plant material combine with yesterday's lunch leftovers on a newly paved concrete sidewalk with it's own system of angled lines and markings.
There's so much that captivates me that I constantly feel compelled to document it.There's always some combination of random things thrown together in unintentionally artistic ways that's hard to resist. The happy accidents of human existence. A lot of the energy of things and scenes I take note of in the streets finds its way into my work. I'm not attempting to capture what I see; only the essence, the energy that causes me to stop and pay attention.