When is where?
The paintings were hung last Tuesday night and I saw them up for the first time on Wednesday. I hadn't seen some of them for a couple of weeks and was happy with the final installation. Originally, I wanted to be there to at least place the works, but scheduling prevented that. I trusted Bridgette to do a good job and she did great. I was mostly concerned with the paintings having a certain amount of space around them since there is a lot going on in them visually. I'd mentioned to Bridgette early on that I didn't want to have too many paintings hanging, like the last show I had there.
So, yeah, I'm happy with how things went.
Finally, Friday rolled around and the opening went on without a hitch, with the exception of the heat that accompanied lots of bodies in the small space that is the Bridgette Mayer Gallery. I love working with Bridgette, but the gallery gets hot easily with little help in the warmer months of the year. Nonetheless, the opening reception was very well attended and there was a lot of good feedback about the work. It was also to see and talk, albeit briefly, with a bunch of my friends and acquaintences that I hadn't seen in a good while.
There's a mention of the show by Libby Rosof on artblog and over on Rob Matthews' blog
*Don't worry, Rob, my shots aren't the best, either, lol...
photo originally uploaded by Libby Rosof
In the vault room, Bridgette is showing the work of sculptor, Paul Oberst. I met Paul last year through a mutual friend of mine and Bridgette's, so it was interesting to learn that he was going to have work there at the same time. Bridgette usually has special projects, like the works of artists that are not affiliated with the gallery, shown in the smallish but interesting vault room in the rear of the gallery.
With the opening now over, I've begun the process of switching my attention to the paintings I want to do for the Art Alliance show. So far, I'm planning on working on three larger paintings for one room and works on paper for the smaller one. I'm not absolutely sure about the works on paper, but I'll have to see what I come up with. I could put three or four small paintings in there, also...we'll see how things go.
In the meantime, it's back to the studio for another round...