Work, work, art...
It's Wednesday Anyway, I returned to my job on Monday and haven't had time to gather my thoughts about my overall experience with the in-studio residency project into a coherent manner, yet. Hopefully, that post will happen by Friday. In the meantime, I'm spending part of today editing photos of the works produced during the project.
The transition back to my work schedule went as smoothly as anyone could reasonably expect. Monday was a laid-back, smooth-going day. Yesterday, was another beast altogether, a complete 180-degree difference in terms of things going wrong. They weren't things that couldn't be handled, just the usual headaches that pop up from time-to-time, actually. However, I'm glad that I had the buffer of Monday to ease back into the regular schedule.
On another note, some of my work was just featured on "ARTchipel" on a couple of days ago.