I feel you! I've also reintroduced technology-free mornings and evenings. I turn off my phone at least one hour before bedtime, ideally two hours, and only switch it back on when I really need to use it. I keep it off most mornings until I leave the house, especially when it's my day off, like today. It feels refreshing to disconnect. I want more of this! My best friend is a musician, and he has been dedicating his Wednesdays to "flow" days with another musician friend. They disconnect from everything and spend the entire day creating at each other's houses. He mentioned that it has significantly boosted his creativity. I would also love to have more half-days or full days without using my phone.

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Yeah, I’m aiming for not opening my phone for more hours at a time during the day, also. I’m also realizing how much I don’t need to check on anything on my phone first thing in the morning and late at night. Generally, after 6pm, there’s nothing for me to look at, unless I really need to respond to an email. Next for me is turning it off at least an hour before I go to bed. To keep up with emails, etc… during the day, I can use my laptop or desktop when I’m in the studio.

I like the idea your friend has of getting together with his buddy for a full day of being present and off of the phone.

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I have noticed that reaching for our phones is often more of a habit than a necessity. I believe that dedicating longer periods of time to respond to emails or WhatsApp messages, rather than checking them constantly throughout the day, is more efficient. Focusing on one task at a time is the way to go, but it can be challenging to maintain that focus. I want to improve in this area and focus on single-tasking. I was recommended a podcast which I plan to listen to this week. You may like it too https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-d-graham-burnett.html

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Definitely habitual. I find myself recognizing it as it’s happening now and that’s good. I’ll immediately put the phone away. When I’m in the studio, I’ll purposefully put it somewhere far away from where I’m working so I have to walk to it. Once in a while, I forget where I’ve put it and have to search for the thing when I actually need it😆

Thanks for the podcast recommendation!

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